HappyDoc Generated Documentation Class: Library

lx200 / Library.py / Library 

Class for the LX200 built-in object library


set_faint_limit ( self,  lim )

Set faint magnitude limit to sMM.M Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


identify ( self )

Identify object in current field. Returns: ") Where the string contains the number of objects in field & object in center field. LX200GPS & Autostar - Performs no function. Returns static string "0 - Objects found".


__init__ (






Arguments: a COM port object instance from LXSerial to talk through


set_largest_size ( self,  size )

Set the size of the largest object the FIND/BROWSE command will return to NNNN arc minutes Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


get_obj_info ( self )

Get Object Information Returns: ") Returns a string containing the current target object's name and object type. LX200GPS & Autostar - performs no operation. Returns static description of Andromeda Galaxy.


set_library ( self,  libNum )

Select deep sky Library where D specifices 0 - Objects CNGC / NGC in Autostar & LX200GPS 1 - Objects IC 2 - UGC 3 - Caldwell (Autostar & LX200GPS) 4 - Arp (LX200 GPS) 5 - Abell (LX200 GPS) Returns: 1 Catalog available 0 Catalog Not found LX200GPS & AutoStar - Performs no function always returns "1"


get_target_RA ( self )

Get current/target object RA Returns: HH:MM.T# or HH:MM:SS Depending upon which precision is set for the telescope


get_largest_limit ( self )

Get Smaller Size Limit Returns: NNN'# The size of the largest object returned by the FIND command expressed in arcminutes.


set_field_dia ( self,  mins )

Set FIELD/IDENTIFY field diamter to NNNN arc minutes. Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


getFindField ( self )

Get Find Field Diameter Returns: NNN# An ASCIi interger expressing the diameter of the field search used in the IDENTIFY/FIND commands.


get_min_quality ( self )

Get Minimum Quality For Find Operation Returns: SU# Super EX# Excellent VG# Very Good GD# Good FR# Fair PR# Poor VP# Very Poor The mimum quality of object returned by the FIND command.


__repr__ ( self )

Return a representation string.


find_next_obj ( self )

Find next deep sky target object subject to the current constraints. LX200GPS & AutoStar - Performs no function


get_smallest_limit ( self )

Get Larger Size Limit Returns: NNN'# The size of the smallest object to be returned by a search of the telescope using the BROWSE/FIND commands.


getMagBrightLimit ( self )

Get Browse Brighter Magnitude Limit Returns: sMM.M# The magnitude of the brightest object to be returned from the telescope FIND/BROWSE command. Command when searching for objects in the Deep Sky database.


set_M_object ( self,  num )

Set current target object to Messier Object NNNN, an ASCII expressed decimal number. Returns: Nothing. LX200GPS and Autostar - Implemented in later versions.


set_star_catalog ( self,  num )

Select star catalog D, an ASCII integer where D specifies: 0 STAR library (Not supported on Autostar I & II) 1 SAO library 2 GCVS library 3 Hipparcos (Autostar I & 2) 4 HR (Autostar I & 2) 5 HD (Autostar I & 2) Returns: 1 Catalog Available 2 Catalog Not Found


set_star_object ( self,  num )

Select star NNNN as the current target object from the currently selected catalog Returns: Nothing LX200GPS & AutoStar - Available in later firmwares


set_prev ( self )

Find previous object and set it as the current target object. Returns: Nothing LX200GPS & Autostar - Performs no function

L - Object Library Commands


set_smallest_size ( self,  size )

Set the size of the smallest object returned by FIND/BROWSE to NNNN arc minutes Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


getMagFaintLimit ( self )

Get Browse Faint Magnitude Limit Returns: sMM.M") The magnitude or the faintest object to be returned from the telescope FIND/BROWSE command.


set_min_obj ( self,  elev )

Set the minimum object elevation limit to DD") Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


set_obj_select ( self )

Sets the object selection string used by the FIND/BROWSE command. Returns: 0 - Invalid 1 - Valid


set_bright_limit ( self,  lim )

Set Brighter limit to the ASCII decimal magnitude string. SMM.M Returns: 0 - Valid 1 - invalid number

S - Telescope Set Commands


step_quality ( self )

Step the quality of limit used in FIND/BROWSE through its cycle of VP ... SU. Current setting can be queried with :Gq# Returns: Nothing


set_target_object ( self,  num )

Set current target object to deep sky catalog object number NNNN Returns : Nothing LX200GPS & Autostar - Implemented in later firmware revisions


sync_object ( self,  object=None )

Synchronizes the telescope's position with the currently selected database object's coordinates. Returns: LX200's - a "#" terminated string with the name of the object that was sync'd. Autostars & LX200GPS - A static string: " M31 EX GAL MAG 3.5 SZ178.0'#"


find_obj ( self )

Find Object using the current Size, Type, Upper limit, lower limt and Quality contraints and set it as current target object. Returns: Nothing LX200GPS & Autostar - Performs no function


get_search_string ( self )

Get deepsky object search string Returns: GPDCO# A string indicaing the class of objects that should be returned by the FIND/BROWSE command. If the character is upper case, the object class is return. If the character is lowercase, objects of this class are ignored. The character meanings are as follws: G - Galaxies P - Planetary Nebulas D - Diffuse Nebulas C - Globular Clusters O - Open Clusters


get_object_Dec ( self )

Get Currently Selected Object/Target Declination Returns: sDDMM# or sDDMM'SS# Depending upon the current precision setting for the telescope.

This document was automatically generated Sun Jul 02 11:19:21 2006 by HappyDoc version 3.0.a1